Human systems dynamics (HSD) prepares you to thrive in an uncertain future. When you see, understand, and influence complex, wicked issues, nothing is intractable.
Are you interested in becoming a certified HSD Professional, but you cannot commit to the face-to-face portion of the program? If so, this program is for you. We will launch a new opportunity, starting on April 1 and extending through mid-August 2019. You are invited to join us in an all-virtual Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) Professional Certification program.
So what?
So what are the benefits to you?
- Learn to deal with the complexity inherent in life in the 21st century
- Use learning time to focus on applying HSD in your sticky issues at work, in your community, and/or in your personal life
- Access resources designed to build skill and knowledge to change how you
- See the world and understand the social dynamics of the human systems where you live, work, and play
- Engage with others in more open and generative ways, and address your most intractable challenges
- Make decisions, using models and methods that allow you to embrace the complex nature of your world
- Understand dynamics that create life patterns: conflict, collaboration, accountability, trust
- Engage in online, personalized meetings on the Zoom.us platform
- Engage with others around the world in a virtual network of people who want to learn and apply human systems dynamics to their sticky issues
- Skip long-distance, away-from-home travel, and engage online for 5 half-day sessions that launch 4 months of application and learning
So what are the elements of the course?
- All-virtual course that engages you over a 4-month period to build your skill and understanding of HSD
- Individual and group learning sessions that focus on the challenges participants bring to the program
- Details about the Program:
- Dates: April 1 - August 15, 2019
- Requirements:
- 5 half-day sessions (1 each week early April through early May)
- Apr 10, 17, 24 and May 1, 8 (10a - 2p central time)
- 3 scheduled group meetings each month (April - mid-August)
- 1 individual coaching session each month
- Documentation/Discussions in response to the learning units
- 4 Adaptive Action Experiments to work on your own sticky issues
- Discussions and deep learning from Adaptive Action: Leveraging Complexity in Your Organization
- Required learning activities that address the following areas: Lead in Complex Times, Plan in Complexity, Manage Complex Change, Build Adaptive Capacity, and Collaborate to Create Community
- 5 half-day sessions (1 each week early April through early May)
Now what?
Royce Holladay, HSDP, will serve as the faculty for this cohort. Royce has worked with the HSD Institute since its inception, contributing to more than half of the HSDP Certification courses that have been offered. She has served as the leader in 5 other cohorts.
With Glenda Eoyang, Royce co-authored Adaptive Action: Leveraging Uncertainty in Your Organization. She has also teamed with other HSD Associates to co-author 6 other books about HSD. One of those books, Simple Rules: Radical Inquiry into Self, is a supplemental reading for this course.
Now what’s next for you?
For more information contact us at info@hsdinstitute.org or register by clicking on the button to the left.
Faculty & Coaches
As a member of the network, you will receive weekly notices of events, opportunities, and links to blogs and other learning opportunities. Additionally, you will have the option to unsubscribe at any point, should you decide to do so.