Individuals and groups can keep up with today’s complex change only when they operate in an ecology that supports continuous learning. As one solution, systems have established professional learning communities (PLCs). However, people often struggle to maintain effective and lively PLCs. In an HSD Learning Ecology Adaptive Action Lab, you will learn to set conditions for collaborative learning communities (CLSs) by addressing four challenges:

  • Connect professional learning to desired outcomes
  • Sustain engagement and productivity over time
  • Support organizational and system change
  • Develop a plan to create a learning ecology in your community or classroom

Each day you face intractable challenges that seem to have no answers. Your world is shaped by social, economic, cultural, and community forces you can’t predict or control. Increased diversity of thought, information, and culture overwhelm you. Today’s challenges have no “root cause,” so there is no clear target for change. Traditional PLCs often are not robust enough to build individual or group capacity to adapt and move toward their targets. HSD helps you build deep learning ecologies you—and others—need to function in today’s complexity.

  • Stand in inquiry. In complex times, you can’t have enough answers to meet your day-to-day challenges. The best you can do is learn to ask good questions that help you see deeply into your system.
  • Use Adaptive Action to build Adaptive Capacity. Adaptive Action uses cycles of inquiry and action to move forward on multiple fronts. You make meaning of your world and take your next action, given local conditions you face. That is the essence of Adaptive Capacity.
  • Set conditions for deep learning ecologies wherever you live, work, or play. Whether you are a teacher, CEO, or PLC leader, you can use HSD to build an ecology to support deep learning and wise action for you and your colleagues.

Wherever you live and work, HSD helps you set conditions to build adaptive capacity. In this Lab, you will engage with experts in HSD to build your deep learning ecology. You will learn to shape patterns of inquiry and action between and among learners at all scales. Those patterns will empower members of your learning community to address their most complex and intractable challenges.

It ​is ​beneficial ​to ​participate ​live, ​but ​we ​know ​you ​have ​busy ​schedules! All sessions will be hosted on, and ​are ​recorded ​and ​made ​available ​to ​you, in case ​you ​are ​unable ​to ​attend. The recordings are not shared with anyone who is not enrolled in the course. ​For more information contact

Faculty & Coaches

Royce Holladay, MEd, HSDP
Leslie Patterson
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