Today’s challenges demand collaboration. We face larger and more complex issues than ever before. Stakeholders are diverse. History is complicated, and the future is uncertain. Groups need to share insights and perspectives, but traditional facilitation methods often fall short. Human systems dynamics (HSD) supports decision makers in finding new, generative patterns. In this Facilitation Adaptive Action Lab, you will:

  • Learn and practice new approaches that help you set conditions for others to be productive
  • Understand the role of inquiry and adaptation in bringing groups together
  • Set conditions for shared deep learning and decision making
  • Create a practical action plan for facilitating groups through difficult times

Facilitation today requires that you set conditions to bring people together: You help others see their systems in new ways. You enable them to understand the challenges they face. You support generative decision making and action. HSD teaches lessons that help you set conditions for generative learning and decision making. These lessons are based in five assumptions about HSD and facilitation:

►    Humans live, work, and play together in complex adaptive systems.

►    Pattern Logic and Adaptive Action inform iterative cycles of inquiry.

►    Energy for change in a system emerges from the tension across differences.

►    HSD facilitators stand in inquiry to understand the systems they support.

►    HSD facilitators use specific behavioral and cognitive perspectives.

The three sessions introduce you to the assumptions and how they play out in the role of facilitation. Your learning is based on your own applications and challenges--with engaging dialogue and activities.

In this program, you will build capacity by using HSD to shape dialogue and action. You will engage with experts in HSD to practice on your own most sticky issues and build a new community of facilitators who have similar challenges. After this program, you will use HSD to support others in moving through today’s complexity.

As an added bonus, you will receive a free electronic copy of the newest Human Systems Dynamics Guide--Adaptive Action Facilitation: Leverage the Power of Groups. It will go on sale on soon for about $30, but you will receive it now for free! 

Please try to join us!

Note: It ​is ​beneficial ​to ​participate ​live, ​but ​we ​know ​you ​have ​busy ​schedules! All sessions will be hosted on, and ​are ​recorded ​and ​made ​available ​to ​you, in case ​you ​are ​unable ​to ​attend. The recordings are not shared with anyone who is not enrolled in the course. ​For more information contact

Faculty & Coaches

Royce Holladay, MEd, HSDP
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