Adaptive Action Lab: Plan for Uncertainty in Complexity

March 19 - 20, 2018 | 09:00 - 16:30 (sast)

These programs both draw on complexity science. They are based in the theory and practice of human systems dynamics (HSD). Your guide will be Dr. Glenda Eoyang. Glenda is the founder of the field of HSD; leader of a world-wide network; and master teacher, researcher, and practitioner. In the program, you will:

  • Learn principles and tools to see, understand, and influence strategic and operational planning in times of ultimate uncertainty
  • Find a new, more sustainable, approach to all kinds of planning, including projects, strategy, operations, personal growth, and community development 
  • Practice what you learn as you plan the future for yourself and your organization
  • Give and receive peer coaching to ensure that your learning is sustainable
  • Discover a network of people who also seek simplicity in complexity

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Adaptive Action Lab: Agile, Collaborative Change in Complexity

March 22 - 23, 2018 | 09:00 - 16:30 (sast)

Many people recognize the complex nature of change today, but few can help you make wise choices in the moments of chaos. Human systems dynamics (HSD) provides practical ideas and tools to help you thrive in complex change. We draw lessons from complexity science and from decades of successful practice in complex realities. In this Adaptive Action Lab you will practice using simple and powerful HSD tools. You will transform challenges of complex change into opportunities for agile action.

Your guide for this two-day Adaptive Action Lab will be Dr. Glenda Eoyang. Glenda is the founder of the field of HSD; leader of a world-wide network; and master teacher, researcher, and practitioner. In the program, you will:

  • Learn principles and practices to engage with emergent change in complex environments
  • Find a new and more agile approach to adapt to change for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities
  • Practice what you learn as you plan Adaptive Action in your own changing context
  • Give and receive peer coaching to ensure that your learning is sustainable
  • Discover a network of people who, like you, seek simplicity in complexity

♦      ♦      ♦  VENUE FOR BOTH ADAPTIVE ACTION LABS    ♦      ♦      ♦
Kleinkaap Boutique Hotel
87 Jim van der Merwe Rd
Pretoria, South Africa 0157
Tel: +27 12 654 9878

For more information or assistance with registration contact

Faculty & Coaches

Glenda Eoyang, PhD, HSDP
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