Thursday, October 20 – Friday, November 18, 2016

Adaptive Action gives you and your clients simple and powerful ways to see and understand the patterns that hold them back and then take informed, wise action to change those patterns. Build your own capacity to stand in inquiry with your clients, engaging in iterative cycles of exploration and meaning making. Help your clients build their own adaptive capacity as they respond to challenges and opportunities in their chaotic lives.

The Adaptive Action Coaching Lab includes:

  • Five-week virtual program, including seven live, online learning sessions, starting October 20 and ending on November 18

  • Workbook: Adaptive Action Coaching: Building Patterns for Success by Lecia Grossman and Royce Holladay

  • Online learning resources, discussion forum, and opportunities for shared practice

  • One coaching session with one of the Guides, who are HSD Coaches

Who should attend?

  • Those with or without HSD Professional training

  • Current coaching professionals

  • Those interested in ICF CCEs

  • Additional training session and coaching for those attaining CCEs.

Faculty & Coaches

Royce Holladay, MEd, HSDP
Director of Services, HSD Institute
Lecia Grossman, MA, GPCC, HSDP
Principal, LiveDeep
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