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July 25, 2019 As a consultant, you work with a variety of individuals, groups, and/or organizations. Each one is unique. What worked in one place may or may not be effective in another. You look for an approach you can rely on, only to find that your work calls for innovative responses at every turn.   Standing in inquiry, HSD-based consultants use principles, models, and methods of HSD to help clients leverage uncertainty across their systems. It is a unique approach that shifts the consultant from the “expert with the answers” to the co-learner/teacher who stands alongside, using inquiry to guide the interactions. In today’s Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang, shares the HSD consulting process and approach. She will reveal how you engage others in their own iterative cycles of seeing, understanding influencing as they make sense of the complexity in their worlds.
June 20, 2019 Associates share how they are using HSD in their work, in their homes, or in their communities. Join us for this 90-minute session that highlights and celebrates the patterns of diverse applications and deep innovations that HSD Professionals are creating in the world.
June 6, 2019 You encounter new perspectives and opportunities every day that challenge what you were taught about the world. You find that strategies for taking action often don’t work as well as they used to. Every day new books and approaches describe your most current challenges. They paint broad pictures of things you might do, but they don’t offer new guidance about how to take more effective action.  HSD offers a distinctly different path for dealing with the complexity in your life, exploring deeply into the complexities you face, informing decisions about how to step into your next wise action. Complexity in the world has been studied through multiple scientific perspectives. Different disciplines can study the same phenomenon and describe it in different ways. Descriptions can help us see complex patterns in new ways. They cannot, however, inform wise action unless they also explain underlying dynamics of complexity that shape human action and interaction. In this month’s Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang talks about particular concepts and perspectives she has used to inform and shape human systems dynamics. She shows you how to use HSD to embrace and leverage complexity to build adaptive capacity to face today’s intractable challenges.
May 2, 2019 In today’s fast changing, and unpredictable world, you find that traditional strategic plans don’t prepare you for the reality you face. When you can’t plan strategically, you still need a strategy that is robust enough to inform innovative action as challenges and opportunities emerge. HSD offers Adaptive Action in the context of the far-horizon goals to help you to create the best action today. Landscapes of businesses and communities in the 21st century are quick to change, and they are complex. It’s no longer enough to develop and live by a Strategic Plan designed to conquer today’s image of what the world will look like in three or five years. In today’s landscape,  you have to see the changes around you and respond with innovative ideas that are fit for purpose in your world. In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang describes long-term strategy that uses inquiry and Pattern Logic. Then she shows you how to use iterative cycles of Adaptive Action across your system. It’s a strategy that helps you make your day-to-day, operational work contribute to action strategic against your most intractable challenges.
April 11, 2019 The rules of social action have changed in the chaos of current events. Opportunities for activism toward social change are more prevalent than ever. You can step into a role that influences the patterns of social norms and expectations. When you stand in inquiry, you see clearly how to connect with powerful others and take courageous action. In today’s complex and quickly changing world, there is need and an opportunity for a new generation of activism. Global change is fanned by digital media, broad-ranging connections, and vast diversity. In such a world, activism depends on the ability to see, understand, and influence patterns of interaction and decision making. Individuals and groups that engage in iterative cycles of learning and action are best equipped to bring about changes they seek. In this month’s Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang talks about how HSD’s Adaptive Action, Pattern Logic, and inquiry can support you as you change your world.
March 21, 2019 This is our Annual Meeting. Join us for this celebration of HSD Institute's 16 years of service and development in the field of human systems dynamics. Royce Holladay, Director of Services for HSDI, will speak about the institute, and our HSD Associates, Wendy Morris, Allison Titcomb, Mary Nations, and Erin Lewis, will share how they are using HSD in their work, in their homes, or in their communities.
March 7, 2019 You need new beliefs and expectations to thrive—even to survive—in today’s complex world. When you step beyond what “used to work,” you find breakthrough ways to solve the new problems you face. When you embrace a new perspective, you step into a new paradigm. HSD gives simple, step-by-step guides for living into a new, complex, future-oriented paradigm. As new paradigms emerge, they help us to understand old challenges in different ways. We find new approaches and solutions to the challenges that seemed intractable in the old paradigm. Standing in the new paradigm, many of the old beliefs and expectations no longer hold, and new perspectives emerge. We see this phenomenon in the 21st century as human systems are forced to remain productive in a world of complex patterns of interaction, decision making, and change. In this Live Virtual Workshop, Glenda Eoyang outlines a bold new paradigm to help you thrive in the reality of your emerging future.
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