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150 Results
Plan in Uncertainty
August 29, 2013 In this workshop, Glenda Eoyang invites the participants to consider three types of change and how this perspective can influence the work they do every day.
Build Adaptive Capacity
August 15, 2013 HSD helps you "make sense of the mess" that is the chaos of your life. Consider how the challenges and opportunities are the same or different from each other. Consider what differences really matter in your life. Consider your perspective. Consider form and function. Consider the impact of time. Watch this lively discussion of how these kinds of questions can help you make sense of the chaos in your life.
Business & IndustryLead in Complexity
August 1, 2013 Glenda Eoyang leads an exploration of entrepreneurship, from the point of view of HSD. In doing so, she poses the question, "What would it be like if entrepreneur were a verb that guides behavior rather than a noun that describes it?"