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Racism and Othering continue to be wicked and controversial patterns to discuss and navigate, particularly for those deeply and directly affected by these patterns. Although there isn’t an easy, universally-accepted method for eliminating racism and othering yet, there’s something about the freedom to share authentic stories and impacts that makes it a more realistic/attainable possibility.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s blog post, Glenda Eoyang explores options for action when we feel stuck with the challenges we face in the world today.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Systemic coaching extends our interactions with our clients to encompass the broader context and considers the larger system in which we all operate.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Looking forward is entering into what does not yet exist. It can be easy when we are in an environment we can control. But we often find it difficult to make decisions and determine actions.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In mathematics there is a group of patterns referred to as “attractors”. In complex systems, recognizable patterns of behavior can evolve over time, based on the system’s initial conditions. Mathematicians studied those patterns and identified unique sets of conditions that shape the different types of patterns. We use the insights of these mathematicians to inform our basic decisions and actions.
Build Adaptive Capacity
What do falling in love, a summer thunderstorm, and an election have in common?
They are all turbulence in search of resolution.
What is turbulence, and why would Ramsey Clark call it an opportunity? The dynamics of complex adaptive systems can answer these questions and generate other questions to help you love the turbulence you are in.