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Build Adaptive Capacity
“The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.”                                            ~Maya Angelou, poet, memoirist, actress
Build Adaptive Capacity
Learning HSD challenges your habits of THOUGHT, while it confirms and expands your patterns of intuition and habits of ACTION . . . and there be Dragons!
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s complex and fast-moving landscape, we need tools to help us imagine new, unique responses in each new challenge. We hear from clients and participants in our courses that HSD models and methods help them do that.
Build Adaptive Capacity
What’s the hidden challenge to changing patterns? In a year-long Adaptive Action project, we are exploring that question. Wonder what you might think about it?
Collaborate to Create Community
Racism and Othering continue to be wicked and controversial patterns to discuss and navigate, particularly for those deeply and directly affected by these patterns. Although there isn’t an easy, universally-accepted method for eliminating racism and othering yet, there’s something about the freedom to share authentic stories and impacts that makes it a more realistic/attainable possibility.
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s blog post, Glenda Eoyang explores options for action when we feel stuck with the challenges we face in the world today.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Systemic coaching extends our interactions with our clients to encompass the broader context and considers the larger system in which we all operate.
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