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319 Results
Collaborate to Create Community
Gathered, shared, inspired. Ready to act. Read about the HSD Gathering 2024, and plan for 2025!
Build Adaptive Capacity
Join us for a Gathering of people from around the globe who use HSD to make the vision a reality.
Manage Strategic Change
Finding patterns across many stories isn't easy, and it is often misleading. Active Sensemaking automates the process and also ensures that the patterns stay true to the tellers' intentions.
Build Adaptive Capacity
“The horizon leans forward, offering you space to place new steps of change.”
~Maya Angelou, poet, memoirist, actress
Build Adaptive Capacity
Learning HSD challenges your habits of THOUGHT, while it confirms and expands your patterns of intuition and habits of ACTION . . . and there be Dragons!
Build Adaptive Capacity
In today’s complex and fast-moving landscape, we need tools to help us imagine new, unique responses in each new challenge. We hear from clients and participants in our courses that HSD models and methods help them do that.