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March 21, 2024 April Schnell is a career development specialist who discovered the HSDI community in 2020 and became an HSD Associate. April shared her application of the HSD worldview to career development and describe work as an ongoing pattern of exchanges between an individual and his or her work. She uses the identification of patterns of flow, attunement, and intention of purpose with clients to help them identify what is fit for function while recognizing that individuals and the nature of work continue to change. April announced a professional development group that she and Janice Ryan, another HSD Associate, are starting for professionals (coaches, therapists, teachers, doctors, etc.) who use HSD with individuals they serve. The session engaged the HSD community for input on how its Simple Rules can be used to set generative conditions for HSD experiments (like hers with the professional development group) during the 2024 transition year. How can we create a coherent and thriving network?
March 7, 2024 In chaos and uncertainty, old answers and familiar expertise lose their power. Only questions connect you with an ever-emerging reality. This workshop explores the power and possibility of inquiry practice in personal and professional life. Examples from literature, history, and personal experience illustrates how inquiry and humility can reveal opportunity, even in the middle of tragedy and destruction. Join the community in the Power of Questions to develop your capacity to ask and receive transforming questions.
February 2, 2024 In turbulent and unpredictable situations, alignment is not enough. Individuals need to be free to respond to local intelligence and immediate context. They also need to contribute to the coherent, systemic patterns of culture and productivity. How can communities and organizations offer the greatest individual freedom and maximum coherence? Two principles of Pattern Logic generate coherent sense-making and action-taking for individuals and groups: Generative Vision and Simple Rules. A Generative Vision captures the “what” of an aspirational future, but it also supports local, immediate action to create that future. The HSD vision is an example of such a Generative Vision. Simple Rules, on the other hand, provide the “how” of an emerging future. This workshop explores the theory and practice of these principles across all complex natural and human systems. It presents the power and possibility of the HSD Generative Vision and Simple Rules for our community. Finally, it introduces a year-long exploration into the foundations of HSD and the people and institutions who practice it.
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