HSD Paradigm

Human systems dynamics is simple and practical. It also challenges fundamental assumptions about what we can know and how we can act with intention, even under conditions of radical uncertainty.

Human systems dynamics is simple and practical. It also challenges fundamental assumptions about what we can know and how we can act with intention, even under conditions of radical uncertainty. Based on principles of complexity science and chaos theory, HSD gives you hope for intentional action, even when you cannot predict or control outcomes. The result is a worldview that brings ontology and epistemology together into an adaptive praxis. This paper attempts to explain the philosophical roots of the work and demonstrate why Adaptive Action and Pattern Logic are breakthroughs in the capacity for individual and collective adaptation in uncertain situations.

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Rooted in the study of chaos and complexity, Adaptive Action introduces a simple, common-sense process that will guide you and your organization into reflective action.
Scholars and practitioners around the world use the word complex when they talk about things they cannot control or understand. At one level, this can be useful, but it can also be confusing.
April 2, 2015 Explore an alternative science and join an alternative practice to find breakthrough solutions to the most sticky issues. 19th Century theory and 20th Century practice keep us stuck in our 21st Century problems. Until we think about reality differently, we will not act differently. Until we act differently, we will not solve our most difficult problems. Step through the HSD looking glass to see in surprising ways, imagine innovations, and take Adaptive Action.