Adaptive Action Planning

Traditional strategic planning requires that you predict what will happen and make a plan to control how the future unfolds.

Traditional strategic planning requires that you predict what will happen and make a plan to control how the future unfolds. That approach is not just unrealistic, but it can be dangerous in times of unpredictable change. The Adaptive Action Planning process gives an alternative.

Based on the principles of HSD, this planning process allows you to use what you know to plan what you can to create the future you cannot imagine. This document outlines that basic planning process. HSD Institute provides a wide range of Models, Methods, and supports to help you implement your own Adaptive Planning process. Our support includes:

  • Executive coaching
  • Facilitation
  • Meeting design
  • Process redesign
  • Organization design and development
  • Training
  • Conflict resolution
  • Board and exec team development

Related Resources

In the complexity of the 21st century, traditional strategic planning is no longer adequate to address the uncertainty of organizational life. At the same time, organizations do need to set direction and take coherent action toward established goals. They must have flexibility to adapt to the constant change of todays landscape. Strategic Adaptive Action offers a structure and process that provide both direction and flexibility.
August 29, 2013 In this workshop, Glenda Eoyang invites the participants to consider three types of change and how this perspective can influence the work they do every day.