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Build Adaptive Capacity
Margaret Mead said it first, and we see it play out all around us in today’s landscape. Small groups of committed people who are willing and empowered to step up are changing patterns of interaction, decision making, and action around the world. In HSD In HSD we think of these as daily shifts in patterns of economy, society, and politics.
Build Adaptive Capacity
Adaptive Capacity is the critical attribute for individuals, teams, organizations, and communities as they deal with the uncertainty and emergence of complex systems. Thriving in those systems requires that you to see the world in ways that help you build resilience and fitness. The human systems dynamics vision is that people everywhere thrive because they build Adaptive Capacity. See how you, too, can build Adaptive Capacity in yourself, your family, your community, and your organization.
It’s February and love is in the air! At least the word’s out there, in myriad forms, interpretations, implications, and intimations.
Manage Strategic Change
In the ATTRACTOR last week, Glenda talked about keys for noticing and changing your ever-and-always voice when you find yourself stuck in what seems to be an intractable problem. This month’s Change the World offers another path for getting unstuck from your ever-and-always voice. It’s the ability to stand in inquiry.
Business & IndustryCollaborate to Create Community
In this post, I share my perspectives about the value and potential for diversity and inclusion work, supplemented by current voices and events that inspire me. I have borrowed the title “The Truth about Diversity and Inclusion” from Joe Gerstandt’s fine essay, and added some thoughts about the meaning I am making of it and how that can inform next steps. This is an introduction to an Adaptive Action Lab coming up later this summer.
Collaborate to Create Community
A mural in Minneapolis by Xena Goldman, Cadex Herrera, Greta McLain, Niko Alexander, and Pablo Hernandez Difference holds potential energy. Springs stretch; water flows; objects fall; cities burn. The potential energy of difference is experienced as tension, and it is released as a flood of emotion or action. Sometimes the flood is of learning and love, and sometimes it is rage and destruction.
August 2, 2018 Learning today is not about knowing all the answers. It’s about being an expert learner and inviting others to be expert learners, too. Parents help children navigate their world. Managers and executives supervise workers. Community leaders invite neighbors to work together. Experienced workers help new employees learn the ropes. How do you learn those skills? How do you help others learn? HSD offers ways to build your capacity to become a master learner and a generative doer.
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