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Collaborate to Create Community
The Decision Map is a representation of the factors and considerations that influence decisions. Whether you are trying to understand someone else's decisions or consider your own, the Decision Map provides meaningful insights to inform your perspective and action.
Collaborate to Create Community
February 2, 2017 No person is an island. We need each other. We need to work together to build resilient, sustainable teams, communities, organizations, and coalitions. We also live and work in the midst of great diversity—of thought, ideology, life style, religion, perspective. So how can we work across the differences that threaten to divide us to build robust, adaptive partnerships? Human systems dynamics offers a map for lasting and productive partnerships.
GovernmentManage Strategic Change
In this essay, Glenda Eoyang will explore paths of Adaptive Action to counteract propaganda.
GovernmentPlan in Uncertainty
In HSD, we teach people to see patterns in complex situations, and to understand them in true and useful ways. The goal is to make choices and take actions that shift those patterns toward greater health and wellbeing—away from oppression.
GovernmentManage Strategic Change
After you have mapped your system—or even parts of your system—many questions will emerge. So what does this map mean? So what can I learn from it?
December 15, 2016 In this Quarterly Virtual Mini-Conference Glenda Eoyang talks about New Years' resolutions and how HSD can help you shift patterns in your life. Carolyn Norgate and Griff Griffiths talk about using HSD to create an organizational network of OD professionals across the system of UK civil services. Randi Fiat introduces the idea Democracy Adaptive Action Labs to explore how HSD can help us navigate the differences that divide us politically, sociologically, ideologically, etc. Royce Holladay engages the participants in a reflection around a series of questions about their transition from 2016 to 2017.
Business & IndustryManage Strategic Change
What does time mean to you? Are you chasing it, or is it chasing you? How do you mark the passage of time? How are you marked by time?  In this week's HSD blog, Glenda Eoyang shares her thoughts on time.
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