What is an Adaptive Action Lab?

An Adaptive Action Lab (AA Lab) brings the best of consulting and training into a single event. It is a work session, as opposed to a training session. As a participant, you define and work on your most intractable challenge. Then you learn about human systems dynamics (HSD) as you apply your new learning to frame your challenge in a way that points to your best next wise action. You leave the session with two tangible outcomes. First, you have a clear plan for moving forward in your challenge. Second, you carry with you a new perspective and effective models and methods that help you address your next challenge.

Join us in an AA Lab to learn how HSD can help you leverage the complexity of your challenges to create powerful energy for change.

Upcoming Adaptive Action Labs

The Dragons of Transformation: Taming the Mindsets that thwart our embrace of a VUCA world

Begins May 6 | 3p - 5:30p EDT

When people tell you to think outside the box, they don't tell you where the box ends and the future begins. That is why we find ourselves so often trapped in our own blind spots and assumptions, constrained by our ordinary (Newtonian) worldviews. The nonlinear sciences complexity and chaos, as well as Integral theory shine a light on those dark corners of reality, as well as the habits of mind that keep us stuck. In ancient times, maps of the world would show sea monsters and dragons on the edge of the known world. In this program, we call such mind-blowing and habitually intractable realities dragons. Hence, The Dragons of Transformation.

Simple Rules Gatherings: A Series of Conversations about the HSD Community

Next Session May 15 | 11a Central Time | Free Online Event

HSD is readying itself to move into its future, and we are experimenting with ways to connect deeply within the community and keep learning together. As part of this adaptive action approach, we are inviting all practitioners and the HSD-curious to join us in a series of six gatherings exploring a core HSD concept, Simple Rules.

Wicked Issues: Adaptive Action for Compassionate Communities

Begins May 21 | 9a - 11a PDT | Online

Compassion is difficult and exhausting work at the best of times. In these times of turbulence and uncertainty, the challenges are magnified. We know it is hard enough for one person to take effective action in our complex world.  Bringing a group together in collective action often seems intractable. At the Charter for Compassion, in collaboration with Human Systems Dynamics Institute, we are convinced that “nothing is intractable,” and transforming our hope for compassion into effective action is no exception.

Bring Your Own Issue!

May 21, 23 | 12p - 3p CDT | Online

In a complex world, each moment is different from the last; each person brings a unique set of knowledge, experience, and insights; and no two challenges are exactly alike. In this Adaptive Actin Lab, join Glenda and Royce as they open a discussion of the challenges you might bring with your unique challenge.

HSD Adaptive Action Coaching: systemic growth and development (Spanish Course)

Begins May 22 | ICF-Approved Online Course

In this program, Miriam Bayés, HSD-certified professional and ORSC-certified coach, shares a simple, powerful approach to systems-informed coaching.

Wellbeing Economy: Setting Conditions for the Future

Jul 22, 23 | 9a - 12p CDT | Online

The future of humanity and the earth will emerge from a complex adaptive system of complex adaptive systems! In this Adaptive Action Lab, we explore the intersection of two of the most significant: Wellbeing and Economy.

Bring Your Own Issue!

Aug 20, 22 | 12p - 3p CDT | Online

In a complex world, each moment is different from the last; each person brings a unique set of knowledge, experience, and insights; and no two challenges are exactly alike. In this Adaptive Actin Lab, join Glenda and Royce as they open a discussion of the challenges you might bring with your unique challenge.

Sioo Summerschool Human Systems Dynamics: Thriving in complexity

Sep 9 - 13 | 9a - 5p | The Netherlands

Do you wish to understand and work more effectively in complex organizations? Human Systems Dynamics (HSD) builds your adaptive capacity to succeed in a world of complexity and uncertainty.

HSD Adaptive Action Coaching: systemic growth and development

Begins Sep 9 | ICF-Approved Online Course

In this Adaptive Action Lab, Royce Holladay, a leader in the field of HSD, shares a simple, powerful approach to systems-informed coaching.

Bring Your Own Issue!

Nov 19, 21 | 12p - 3p CST | Online

In a complex world, each moment is different from the last; each person brings a unique set of knowledge, experience, and insights; and no two challenges are exactly alike. In this Adaptive Actin Lab, join Glenda and Royce as they open a discussion of the challenges you might bring with your unique challenge.

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